Season For Change

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Clare Martynski

Deep Time Walk

Deep Time Walk Walking boots on grass with a phone and an app imposed in the grass

Deep Time Walk

Clare Martynski

Deep Time Walk

6 August – 30 September 2018

The great outdoors

Anywhere safe to walk 4.6km

Visit website

Seeking participants for research on experiences with a sound walk that can be downloaded as a mobile app. The Deep Time Walk narrates the 4.6 billion year history of the earth as you walk a distance of 4.6km. The walk can be done anywhere.

Once you have experienced the sound walk, we would schedule an interview at a convenient time and place for you before the end of September (at which point you will also be reimbursed for the cost of the app).

If you’re interested in taking part, please contact Clare Martynski at for further details.

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