Beverly Naidus
We Almost Didn’t Make It
This interactive installation, made with support from the Seattle-based ARTifACTs collective, addresses the uncertainties faced by humanity as climate change and ongoing ecocide and environmental injustice affect many populations around the world.
It explores ways to negotiate the barrage of daily assaults on our psyches by imagining the lives of our descendants and what we might do to improve their lives. Visitors are offered an opportunity to transform painful emotions into fuel for creative activism. They are asked to imagine themselves as ancestors as they walk through a series of curtains to a “portal of possibilities”, and encouraged to create an ‘artifact’ containing a commitment to an action that might help our descendants or future generations not only exist, but thrive. A goal of the installation is to foster more dialogue about ways to move past “dystopic” thinking and support resilient activism, no matter how discouraging things may seem.